The Salvation Army is an integral part of the universal Christian Church, although distinctive in government and practice.
Salvation Army places of worship are sometimes called ‘Corps’, but, whatever their name, they are Christian churches open to the community they serve and offering a warm welcome to all.
Most Salvation Army centres hold weekly worship services, usually on a Sunday. These meetings have a relaxed atmosphere, and can include hymn singing, Bible readings, testimonies (members of the congregation talking about their Christian experiences), and presentations by worship or drama groups. The hymns and songs may be accompanied by a traditional Salvation Army brass band or a more contemporary worship band with keyboard, guitars, drums and other instruments. The Songsters (choir) may provide a vocal lead or present a reflective musical item.
As well as services on a Sunday, there are often weekday and evening activities, such as prayer groups, family events, lunch groups, youth clubs and meetings for seniors.