HUMAN TRAFFICKING is a form of modern-day slavery where people profit from the control and exploitation of others. Victims are forced, defrauded, or coerced into trafficking. Even if victims initially offer consent, that consent is rendered meaningless by the actions of the traffickers to exploit them for labor, services, or commercial sex.


  • Worldwide more than 2,5 million men, women and children are trafficked every year
  • This is a worldwide criminal activity with annual profits estimated to be $32 billion
  • 80% are women and children
  • 87% of trafficked victims are sexually exploited
  • 12-14 years old is the average age for victims of Sex Trafficking 

The Salvation Army is deeply committed to the modern-day fight against human trafficking. Modern slavery is an umbrella term including human trafficking for sex, labour or organs, exploitative labour practices, child labour and early and forced marriage.

The Salvation Army believes in the biblical principles of the inherent and equal value of all persons and the duty to care for one’s neighbour.

The exploitation of human beings commodifies and dehumanises the individuals who are trafficked, rewards the inhumanity of the traffickers, and weakens the moral, social and economic fabric of society. The Salvation Army is opposed to the abuse of power against other human beings that is inherent in modern slavery and human trafficking.

Transformation and healing of hearts and minds of everyone involved in modern slavery and human trafficking is both necessary and possible.



  • Prayer – For The Salvation Army prayer is an essential practice in the fight against modern slavery and human trafficking. Prayer gives people a way to gain God’s perspective and guidance in complex situations. Prayer keeps us in relationship with God and empowers our work.
  • Participation – The local church is a resource in the battle against modern slavery and human trafficking and serve in some isolated communities that other agencies do not reach. Although appropriate training is needed for working with victims and survivors, every church can raise awareness in their communities of the presence of such abuse and exploitation, and provide a place of loving welcome for those on the journey of restoration. 
  • Prevention – We cannot combat what we do not recognise. Raising awareness of modern slavery and human trafficking are a vital element of prevention.


There is the Salvation Army project "Anti-Human Trafficking Awareness Raising" in Russia, which includes:

  • seminars on raising awareness of citizens in the area of human trafficking;
  • volunteer campaign and activities aimed at informing citizens about the problem of modern slavery;
  • annual prayer for victims of trafficking.


For more information, please, Email to:

IF you consider yourself a victim of modern slavery and need help,

IF you suspect that one of your relatives or friends could become a victim of modern slavery,

then CALL by phone hotline (ALTERNATIVE movement):

8 800 550 7140 (in Russia)


105120, Moscow, Khlebnikov Pereulok 7/2

+7 (495) 678-03-51, 678-55-14

© The Salvation Army in Russia

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